Clearly, it's time to get him out and about on the social scene.

Ollie has a friend, Lilly. He met her once before, back when they were both sleeping all day and the main concern was who's gonna feed me?

She's grown into quite the hostess, young Lilly. Proud of her toy collection, she let Ollie play with whatever he found and made sure we followed her into the kitchen at lunch time.

Ollie was shell-shocked, I think. He doesn't see other kids very often, and I don't think he quite knew what to do about this other person the same size as him.

He pointed at her eye and patted her leg.

Clearly, it's time to get him out and about on the social scene.

I was hoping Lilly would crawl around and show him how cool it is to be mobile, but crawling's so last month for her. She's tottering about in that zombie-baby-walk that can just about kill you with cuteness. Ollie showed her how manly it is to get around by rolling.

There are some playgroups in the area that we need to check out, now that flu-season is ending and there's less chance he'll pick up a bug of some sort. For now, we can see Lilly every now and then.

Hopefully he won't be so interested in her eyeballs.


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